Student Supports


Banting believes that open, respectful, two-way communication builds relationships and enhances student success.

Who do I contact if I have a question regarding my child's education?

As a parent or guardian, your child's teacher is always recommended as the first point of contact. If unable to help you directly, he or she will seek to advise you on who to contact for further information.

Many of these additional supports are listed below.


If you need additional support, you are always welcome to contact adminstration.  

Call 519-452-2800 and ask to speak to the appropriate administrator or reach out by email.


Mr. R. Tamminga 

Vice Principals:

Ms. S. McCalden
Surnames A - Ki


Ms. C. Holmes
Surnames Kj - Z 


Student Supports

 The guidance department runs several programs in the school to support students and as well, each student is assigned a guidance counsellor, divided alphabetically by student’s last name. While sometimes circumstances cause the alphabetical division to change, usually the student can expect to have the same counsellor throughout the 4 years so that a connection can be formed. Individually, students may access their counsellor by signing up for an appointment at a time period of their choice to receive support for questions or concerns regarding academics, post secondary and pathway planning, career exploration, conferences, employment opportunities, scholarships and any topics dealing with social and emotional issues and mental wellness. For some issues requiring more counselling, the guidance counsellor may be the first step and additional support.
 Student Success

Students work closely with their assigned Learning Support Teacher (LST) in a quiet learning environment. Skills such as organization, test preparation, studying, and time management are a strong focus to lead students to success. Students are encouraged to check in often with their LST for continued academic support in rooms 204 and 206.


The Student Success Team is comprised of the School Administration, Student Success Teacher (SST), Guidance Counsellors, Social Worker/Attendance Counsellor and Learning Support Teachers (LST).The team works hard to ensure that all students have every opportunity for success by monitoring student progress, attendance and behaviour. Students at risk of failing courses will be supported by the Student Success Team to work towards earning their credits. A concerted effort from classroom teachers, the Student Success Team and the parent/guardian to support each student’s success is an essential part of this program. The Banting Resource Program is devoted to helping students on Individual Education Plans

 Teaching Staff
 Of course, the BEST source for extra help is your subject teacher!!!!!!!
 Help Rooms
Most departments run help rooms at lunch to assist students who may need help. Click here to check out time and location.
Attendance Counsellor
Our Attendance Counsellor supports students who are referred by Guidance and Administration. The counsellor is available for parents and staff concerns regarding attendance.
School Psychologist
Banting’s family of schools shares a school Psychologist/Psychometrist whose services are accessed by school Administration, Guidance Counsellors, Learning Support Teachers or the School Team for students with social/emotional needs requiring expert assistance.
Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS)
Banting offers school-based settlement services for newcomer students and their families at no cost. The SWIS program places settlement workers from community organizations in elementary and secondary schools to help newcomer students and their families settle into their school and community easily. It is a partnership between the Service Providing Organizations, School Boards, and Citizenship and Immigration Canada
 Health Services
 A public health nurse is available once each week to discuss health concerns with students and/or parents. For an appointment, check with the guidance secretary.
Community Resources
There are many businesses in our community which take students for cooperative and work internship experiences. Banting is also involved with the Northwest London Community Centre and other approved community partners. For more information, please contact Guidance

Contact Us

© 2023 , 125 Sherwood Forest Sq., LONDON . Tel. 519-452-2800, Fax 519-452-2819,, Principal: G. Howard, Superintendent: P. Skinner, Trustees: B. Mai, S. Moore