Student Planner

The Complete Student Planner can be downloaded here:

Student Planner

 Daily Schedule
Banting follows a four period day. Two courses in the morning, two courses in the afternoon. All students have a common lunch. Students are provided with 7 minutes to travel between periods 1and 2 and between periods 3 and 4.


Regular Day Assembly Day
Period 1 (Homeroom) 8:15am - 9:30am 8:15am - 9:20am
Period 2 9:37am - 10:52am

First Assembly: 9:20am - 10:25am
Second Assembly:10:25am - 11:25am

Lunch 10:52am - 11:58am 11:25am - 12:30pm
Period 3 11:58am - 1:13pm 12:30pm - 1:30pm
Period 4 1:20pm - 2:35pm 1:35pm - 2:35pm


 Guidance Counsellors

Guidance Counsellors by Student Last name

Mr. Zolotar (A - Da)

Ms. Nolan (Db - Ka)

Ms. Schram (Kb - Pl)

Ms. Ferreira (Pm - Z)


Guidance Website --> GUIDANCE

 Where do I get help?

The best source for help is your subject teacher!  

Additional Banting Support Locations:






Student Success



Geared to Graduate (Full Time Student and Honour Roll)

A full time student is considered to be anyone taking a minimum of 3 courses per semester. NO senior can be part-time without the permission of a Vice Principal. NO student in grade 9, 10 or 11 may be part-time.



Any student who achieves an average of 80% or more will be named to the Honour Roll at the end of the year. Honour status is based on the following:

Grade 9 and 10            average of all 8 courses

Grade 11                      average of best 7 courses

Grade 12                      average of best 6 courses

Must be granted by a publicly-funded school September to June.
Dropping a Course

It is expected that you continue to attend ALL classes, even a class that you intend to

drop from your schedule.  To remove a course, you must meet with your counsellor and only AFTER all paperwork has been completed and submitted may you stop attending that course. 

Grade 9 & 10 students may not drop a course. 

Full Disclosure
Grade 11 and 12 courses dropped five days or later after the Midterm Reports have been issued will appear on a student’s transcript as a W for withdrawal. Also appearing will be the mark which the student has achieved by the time of the drop.

ALL students are expected to write their exams on the scheduled exam days.  Any exceptions must have approval from the Administration. Exams will not be rescheduled for family vacations. A doctor’s note is required for any illness causing an absence from a final exam.

Student Exchanges

Students must receive prior approval from the Principal for participation in an exchange.  All course requirements must be met in order for a student to earn grade 10 or 11 credits. Students considering an exchange should see their Guidance Counsellor the year preceding the exchange.

Rights of Access to OSR

The following persons have the right to look at a student’s O.S.R:

  1. The student
  2. Student’s parents/guardians, if the student is under 18   
  3. Supervisory officers
  4. The Principal
  5. Vice Principals and Teachers of the school for the purpose of improving the instruction of the student.
Attendance Matters

“Missing school does matter: student achievement can suffer even if a student misses just 5 days of school. Students who miss more than 10 days of school are more than 20% less likely to graduate than their peers, and those same students have 25% lower likelihood of ever enrolling in any type of college.” (from Skipping to Nowhere, p.2)


Student Responsibility for Attendance

Respect and responsibility are demonstrated when a student comes to school prepared, on time and ready to learn.

Sleeping in is not considered a valid reason for missing class.

Students are not permitted to miss classes in order to complete work from another class.


Parent Responsibility for Attendance

Parents play an important role in the education of their children and have a responsibility to support the efforts of school staff in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students. Parents fulfill their responsibility when they:


·       Show an active interest in their child’s school work and progress

·       Communicate regularly with the school

·       Ensure that their child attends school regularly and on time

·       Promptly report to the school their child’s absence, late arrival or early dismissal

·       Do not give students permission to miss class and remain on school property.


Attendance and Late Policy

It is the student’s responsibility to be punctual and attend all classes regularly. It is the parent/guardian responsibility to call the day of an absence or send a note the next day.

If you are


coming to school

If you are ABSENT from

school a SchoolMessenger message will report the class absence to the parents/guardians phones and email.


If you must

LEAVE school


All notes must go to the Attendance Office




Go directly to class 



Your teacher will mark

you late in class 


Parents/Guardians must





If there is no note or phone call you are considered truant.



With a Note…

→ Go to the Attendance Office


Without a Note…

→ Go to Class and sign in with your teacher




Go to the





With your note to sign out.

Go to the





If you are under 18 your parent or guardian will be contacted to give permission for you to leave.

Once you have been excused, please leave the school property.

Thames Valley DSB –SchoolMessenger Safe Arrival Student Attendance Reporting System

Parents/Guardians are to report student absences using the SafeArrival Attendance Portal. Absences can be reported using one of the following options:

1. Accessing SchoolMessenger online
Navigate to (please add to your bookmarks/favourites). Click Sign Up and follow the instructions to set up your account. Within minutes, you will receive an email with a link to complete the Sign Up process.
2. Accessing SchoolMessenger using the Smartphone App (recommended)
After setting up an account through, download the SchoolMessenger app through the App Store or Google Play Store and log in using the credentials used after validating your account online.
3. Accessing SchoolMessenger by Phone
Parents/guardians who do not have access to a computer can access the system by calling 1-844-305-3756 (toll free) to report absences.  REMEMBER to use the Period times when reporting lates and early dismissals.


Consequences for being late and unexplained absences:

• Warning from the classroom teacher

• Classroom teacher call home to parents/guardians

• Referral to the Vice Principal

• Lunch hour detention in the Office

• Participation in extra-curricular activities is part of the high school experience, however, students are expected to attend their classes regularly and on-time. Students who continue to have unexcused attendance or lates may lose the ability to participate in extracurricular activities.


Important Notes:

• Please refer to the Assessment and Evaluation Practices if you are absent for a test or assessment.  An unexplained absence is considered as truancy, therefore, any tests or assignments missed as a result of a truancy may receive a mark of zero.

• Sleeping in is not considered a valid reason for missing class unless there are extenuating circumstances.

• Students are not permitted to miss class in order to complete the work of another class.

• If parents are taking students on vacations outside of the many scheduled breaks in the school calendar, they are asked to contact the appropriate vice principal.  (see “Know Your School Routines” –Vacations) 

 Know Your Role!

ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (From Code of Conduct, Ontario Schools 2001)


PRINCIPAL - Principals, under the direction of their school board, take a leadership role in the daily operation of a school. They provide this leadership by:

  • demonstrating care and commitment to academic excellence and a safe teaching and learning environment
  • holding everyone, under their authority, accountable for their behaviour and actions
  • communicating regularly and meaningfully with all members of their school community.


TEACHERS - Teachers and school staff, under the leadership of their principals, maintain order in the school and are expected to hold everyone to the highest standard of respectful and responsible behaviour. As role models, staff uphold these high standards when they:

  • help students work to their full potential and develop their self-worth
  • communicate regularly and meaningfully with parents;
  • maintain consistent standards of behaviour for all students
  • demonstrate respect for all students, staff and parents
  • prepare students for the full responsibilities of citizenship


STUDENTS - Students are to be treated with respect and dignity. In return, they must demonstrate respect for themselves, for others and for the responsibilities of citizenship through acceptable behaviour. Respect and responsibility are demonstrated when a student:

  • comes to school prepared, on time and ready to learn
  • shows respect for themselves, for others and for those in authority
  • refrains from bringing anything to school that may compromise the safety of others
  • follows the established rules and takes responsibility for his or her own action


PARENTS - Parents play an important role in the education of their children and have a responsibility to support the efforts of school staff in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students. Parents fulfil this responsibility when they:

  • show an active interest in their child's school work and progress
  • communicate regularly with the school
  • help their child be neat, appropriately dressed and prepared for school
  • ensure that their child attends school regularly and on time
  • promptly report to the school their child's absence or late arrival
  • become familiar with the Code of Conduct and school rules
  • encourage and assist their child in following the rules of behaviour
  • assist school staff in dealing with disciplinary issues
 Code of Behaviour

Every student has the right to come to school in peace and safety and has the corresponding responsibility to refrain from any behaviour which threatens the mental and/or physical safety of other students.


This Code of Behaviour represents the behavioural expectations for the students at Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School. This Code has been developed with input from students, parents and staff and with reference to the Ontario Schools Code of Conduct (2000) and The Education Act. These expectations apply to students at all school and school-related activities and board sponsored events. The consequences listed indicate possible action that may be taken. Students who repeatedly act contrary to school rules are dealt with in a progressively stronger manner. In all cases, parent notification is one of the potential consequences if the student is less than 18 years old.

Code of Conduct


Be Respectful

Show respect for yourself, others, property and the community.  Use appropriate language and respect classes in progress by not being in the halls.  Students must follow the dress code as outlined in the planner. (See “Know Your School Routines” pg. 14-19)


Be an Active Learner

Be prepared and take responsibility for your own learning.  Attend all of your classes and be there on time. If you must be absent, please follow the proper procedures as outlined in the student planner. (See “Student Attendance and Late Policy” pg. 11)


Be Digitally Responsible

Be aware of the responsibilities and safe practices regarding cell phone and electronic device use.  The use of cell phones and other electronic devices is a privilege and may only be used at the discretion of the classroom teacher.  (See “Know Your School Routines” pg. 14-19)


Be Accountable & Demonstrate Integrity

Try your best on all assessments and evaluations.  Be honest in your academic work.  Plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty will be dealt with as outlined in the planner. (See “Academic Honesty and Plagiarism Policy” pg. 21) 


Consequences for infractions to Banting’s Code of Conduct will be based on the following mitigating circumstances:

  • The maturity/grade level of the student;
  • The number of frequency of incidents;
  • The individual circumstances of the student

Consequences will be progressive in nature and based on factors outlined above and may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Addressed within the context of the classroom/infraction location;
  • Temporary removal from class;
  • Contact with parent/guardian;
  • Conflict resolution facilitation participation;
  • Apology;
  • Restorative justice;
  • Behavioural/Attendance contract;
  • Permanent removal from class;
  • Detention(s);
  • Suspension;
  • Expulsion.



The following are reasons for suspension:

  • Uttering a threat to inflict serious bodily harm on another person;
  • Possessing alcohol, illegal drugs, or unless the pupil is a medical cannabis user, cannabis;
  • Being under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or unless the pupil is a medical cannabis user, cannabis;
  • Swearing at a teacher or at another person in a position of authority;
  • Committing an act of vandalism that causes extensive damage to school property at the pupil’s school or to property located on the premises of the pupil’s school;
  • Bullying;
  • Persistent opposition to authority;
  • Use of profane or improper language;
  • Engaging in any act considered by the Principal to be injurious to the moral tone of the school;
  • Engaging in any act considered by the Principal to be injurious to the physical or mental well-being of members of the school community;
  • Engaging in any act considered by the Principal to be contrary to the Board of school Code of Conduct or any of the Board’s policies and procedures related to safe schools.


For all cases of suspension, the Vice Principal will communicate information to the parents/guardians about the infraction and the consequences.

Know Your Routines

Accidents ~ Accidents must be reported promptly to teacher supervising the class or activity. An accident report must be completed in the office.


Announcements ~ Announcements will be made at the beginning of the day and contain important information about what’s currently happening at Banting. Video announcements will also be displayed in your classes at the beginning of the period and on the tv screens in the school. Staff and students are asked to stand for the National Anthem in classes and in the hallways.


Assemblies  ~ Regardless of the type of program, all students are required to be respectful and appreciative.  Hats are not allowed. Talking, whispering, whistling, feet off the floor, stamping feet and booing are discourteous activities during an assembly and are not permitted, unless otherwise indicated by supervisors. There is absolutely no cell phone/electronic device use.  Seating will be by class groups and under the supervision of each classroom teacher.  Assembly day schedules will normally be used.


Banting Cares ~ The purpose of the “Banting Cares” site is to let someone who cares know about concerns regarding a friend, classmate or student. You may be concerned because you see a change in mood, behaviour or coping strategies as a result of personal loss, bullying or other life issues. “Banting Cares” is NOT a 24-hour Crisis Line. This anonymous reporting website is ONLY monitored Mon – Fri during school hours, September to June. It is not monitored evenings, weekends or during school holidays. If you require immediate assistance, please access one of the help line numbers listed or call 911. “Banting Cares” is found at (under Reporting it at the bottom of the Banting webpage).


Breakfast Program~ A breakfast program is available each morning to ensure that students have a nutritious start to their day. A breakfast program is available each morning to ensure that students have a nutritious start to their day. Room 108 is open from 7:30-8:00 a.m. each morning.


Buses ~ Students should only ride on their assigned bus in a safe and non-distracting manner.  Riding the bus is a privilege, not a right. Students must follow all bus rules or forfeit the privilege.


Hold & Secure ~ When a Hold & Secure is announced, it means that there is a threat in the immediate vicinity of Banting but not in the building. Students are to move to their classes or designated areas where they will follow the directions of their teacher and wait until the “all clear” is announced. Please see Emergency Procedures.


Lock Down ~ When a Lock Down is announced, it means that there is a serious threat inside the building. Students are to follow the Lock Down Safety Procedures proceeding immediately either back to class or into the safest location available. Follow the directions of your teachers and stay with your class at all times. Please see Emergency Procedures.


Cell Phones/Electronic Devices ~

All members of the school community must:

Respect the need of others to work in an environment that is conducive to learning and teaching, including by ensuring that cell phones and other personal mobile devices are used only during instructional time (as directed by an educator), for health and medical purposes and/or to support special education needs.

Students may use their Cell Phones/Electronic Devices for personal use during transition periods or at lunch. 

Non-compliance with these expectations may lead to students being sent to the office with their device. Repeated mis-use may result in parents being involved. No one may use a device to record another person without his/her permission on board property or at school events.  Students on a spare are welcome to use these devices in appropriate locations in the school.   If students bring electronic devices to school, they do so at their own risk.  


Dances  ~ These are organized for the benefit of the student body by the Student Council with the permission of the school administration.  Dances are restricted to students of Banting.  A limited number of guest passes are available for some dances.  In such cases, a guest must be signed in, prior to the dance.  Student cards are required for admittance to all dances.  Admission ceases at 8:00 pm.  Dances are a school-sponsored activity and, as such, will be conducted according to the policies of the school and the Code of Conduct and the School Dance Contract.  Please remember to wear clothing that is acceptable at school, attend all classes on the day of the dance and dance in an acceptable manner. 


Dress code ~ Students should wear clothing appropriate to the school setting.  Business casual should be the guideline when choosing your attire for the day.

The following are not allowed to be worn at school:

  • clothing which displays or promotes materials or themes which are demeaning to any racial, gender, cultural or religious group, or promoting alcohol or illegal products.


Drugs and Alcohol ~ Students will not be in possession of or under the influence of alcohol, cannabis, or illegal drugs or provide others with alcohol, illegal drugs, or unless the pupil is a medical cannabis user, cannabis.


Emergency Evacuations ~ On occasion, it may be necessary to evacuate the school due to an emergency.  All students and staff will follow evacuation procedures and report directly to Wilfrid Jury Public School where attendance will be taken. Follow the direction of your teacher and ensure your attendance is taken when leaving the Banting area and when arriving at Wilfrid Jury.


Final Assessments & Examinations ~Assessments or exams are scheduled at the end of each semester. The Assessment & Evaluation week is determined by TVDSB. According to our policy, students must be present to write their assessments or exams during the scheduled week. Assessments and exams will not be rescheduled for family vacations. Students are not to request teachers to make alternate arrangements to accommodate missing final assessments or exams. Students absent from an assessment or exam without a valid reason will be given a placeholder mark of zero until alternate plans can be made with your VP. If there are any concerns, students/parents may speak with the appropriate Vice Principal.


Fee Policy ~ Students enrolled in secondary schools in the Thames Valley District School Board can expect to be provided with the basic classroom learning resources that are required in order to complete the course expectations.  It is recognized there may be optional resources that students may purchase to enhance their program; e.g., field trips, upgrading materials in courses such as construction and visual arts.  Students are encouraged to purchase their school’s Student Card by paying the Student Activity Fee. The Student Card includes, but is not limited to, the benefit of participating in the co-instructional program and Student Council activities. The card is issued after photos have been taken in September and is also used in the library to sign out books. The Banting student activity fee for 2022-23 is $25.00.

Parents/guardians are encouraged to pay for items such as student fees, field trips, uniforms, year books, spirit wear, tickets, etc, through a safe and secure website (On-Line Payments) instead of sending money or cheques.


 School Cash online provides:

  • a safe and convenient payment option available anytime and from anywhere
  • automatic email notification of new items available to students, reducing delays, paper and provides instant receipts and a permanent payment history
  • allows school staff to maintain focus on instruction in the classroom
  • limits cash and cheques needing to be carried by students to school by allowing online payments using credit cards, as well as direct account transfers


Field Trips and Excursions ~ Field Trips and Excursions are valuable learning experiences and important parts of the school program at Banting.   Each student must complete a consent form and return it with parental approval to the teacher supervisor.  In all situations, school rules apply and safety is stressed.  It is the student’s responsibility to let their teachers know of an impending absence.  Students are expected to catch up on missed work and write tests upon their return. Only students in good standing may participate.  Any money collected by the school for field trips will not be refunded for an absence, except for money not spent on same day expenses (eg. entry fee paid that day, food, etc.).


Fire Alarms ~ Students are to leave under the supervision of their teacher and ensure their attendance is recorded in their assigned location.  Leave the building quickly and quietly when the fire alarm sounds, via the exit indicated on the sign in each room.  Remain outside with the proper group, in the assigned location, and away from the building until you are advised by your teacher to return to class. Students on spare should leave the building and check in at the appropriate location.


False Fire Alarms ~ The law concerning false fire alarms states: “Everyone who willfully, without reasonable cause, by outcry, ringing bells, using a fire alarm, telephone or telegraph, or in any other manner, makes or circulates or causes to be made or circulated an alarm of fire is guilty of: a) an indictable offence punishable on summary conviction


Food ~ Students may eat their lunches in their classrooms, the hallways or the cafeteria. Students will show respect for the building by cleaning up after themselves. 


Halls ~ Quiet, traffic-free halls are essential to the learning environment at Banting.  


Headgear Policy ~ Headgear may be worn at school. Headgear that is not culturally mandated must be removed for the National Anthem and during auditoriums. Headgear should be removed if the headgear in question poses a Health & Safety concern (i.e. in active learning spaces such as labs, gyms and shops).  However, for situations where the headgear is culturally mandated, the classroom teacher will work together with the student, the family and an administrator to create an individual plan of safety.


Illness ~ Please ensure that your student completed the health screen every morning before leaving for school. Students who fail the screen are to stay home and follow the guidelines from the school board and health unit. If the student becomes ill while at home for lunch, the parent must call the school as soon as possible. To leave the school or be absent from class without permission will be considered a truancy.


Lockers ~ Lockers were assigned at the beginning of semester 1. If you are new to Banting and would like a locker, please come, and see Ms. Amaral in the attendance office.


Lost and Found ~ The school does not assume responsibility for lost articles.  Students should have their names on books and gym equipment, and bicycles should be locked securely.  All ‘lost and found’ articles should be brought to the main office.


Medication ~ No student will be given any medication by the office without parental or guardian permission.  Medications required daily should be stored in the office unless the Principal gives permission otherwise.


Misbehaviour in class ~ Students are required to observe common courtesy when interacting with each other, with their teachers and with other adults in the building including office staff, E.A.’s, custodial, support staff and visitors.   Students are expected to use appropriate language and exhibit respectful behaviour.  A student who behaves inappropriately in class will be spoken to by the teacher, and/or referred to the Vice Principal or Principal for further action.  A student who is sent from class by a teacher MUST report immediately to the Vice Principal’s office.


Ontario Student Record ~ The Ontario Student Record (OSR) contains copies of the report cards, any testing results, a record of the number of hours in French instruction and a copy of any educational reports that parents/guardians have given permission for the school to have on file.  The OSR is available to the student’s parent/guardian and the student.  This can be done by setting an appointment with the Principal.


Parking ~ The privilege of parking of cars and motorcycles on school property can be withdrawn if vehicles are not being used in a safe way.  Students are expected to drive safely and to park in designated areas.  Students are not to loiter in the parking lot (i.e. no hanging out in vehicles).


Physical Aggression ~ Students will not inflict or threaten to inflict bodily harm on another person.  Any incidents will be dealt with accordingly.


Portals -- Student Portals can be accessed on any computer connected to the Internet.  The Portals contain attendance records, course selections and mark history, etc.  

Students log in with a unique user ID and password:

If you have any issues, please email


Posters ~ Posters should only be placed on designated bulletin boards after they have been approved and have a Principal or Vice Principal’s initial. Please remove posters immediately following the event. 

No posters may be placed on doors or windows!


Recycling ~ There are containers in each classroom for recycling of paper as well as cans and plastic bottles.  We encourage students to use blue boxes provided throughout the school for recycling when they are not in class.


School Closure ~ If weather and/or road conditions cause concern, listen to AM 980 from 7:00 to 7:30 a.m. for school closures and/or consult the TVDSB website. Do not call the school.  During inclement weather, parents are advised to exercise good judgment and decide whether or not to allow students to travel to the school.  School bus delays/cancellations will be posted at STS now publishes affected bus runs instead of listing schools. You can check the Bus Parent Portal at their website with your student’s 9 digit Trillium number. Often buses are cancelled but the school is still open. If busses are cancelled and your student takes a bus, they are not expected to be at school and you do not need to call.


Security Cameras ~ For the security and safety of all students and staff, video cameras have been installed both inside and outside of the school.  The school halls and grounds are under 24-hour camera surveillance.


Skateboards/Longboards ~ Students may not use skateboards/longboards on school property, sidewalks, roadways or in the school parking lot. Students’ boards are to be kept in lockers during the school day.


Smoking/Vaping ~ Under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017, the smoking of tobacco, the use of electronic cigarettes (including electronic cigarettes containing medical cannabis) and the smoking of medical cannabis will be prohibited on school grounds, child care centres and places where early years programs or services are provided.
The SFOA, 2017, also prohibits the smoking of tobacco, the use of electronic cigarettes (including electronic cigarettes containing medical cannabis) and the smoking of medical cannabis in the following places:
• Public areas within 20 metres from school grounds
• The outdoor grounds and public areas within 20 metres of a child or youth recreational facility.
Students may be fined by the Middlesex Health Unit. Smoking/Vaping paraphernalia will be confiscated by administration will only be returned to the guardian. Students may be sent home for vaping/smoking on school property.


Social Media ~The use of social media requires that all students follow the school protocol with regards to respect and responsibility. Pause before you post. Don’t post anything that may compromise your reputation or the reputations of others. Treat others as you would want to be treated and social media will be a positive use of technology and not a negative one.


Student Concussion Policies ~ In response to Ministry of Education requirements and in support of our existing school safety procedures, schools are required to follow certain steps whenever a student suffers a concussion or whenever a concussion is suspected. Parents can access Concussion Policies and Procedures through the board website or by contacting the school and requesting a copy. As with any potential injury, our first goal is prevention; concussion awareness and prevention is part of ongoing professional training for staff and is integrated into students’ Health and Phys. Ed. curriculum. Since concussion can affect a student’s ability to learn or to participate in activities, schools will work with parents and medical contacts to assist any student who has suffered concussion. If an injury occurs on a weekend or after school, parents are asked to inform the school so that appropriate accommodations and support can be provided. Questions can be directed to the school Vice Principal.


Student Pickup ~ Parents are asked to pick their children up either at the back or front of the school.  There is no stopping by the East doors.


Students on spare ~ Students on spare may study quietly in either the cafeteria, library or student lounge. They should not be sitting in hallways, lockers, or entranceways.


Textbooks ~ Textbooks and other equipment on loan to students are expensive and require particular care. Books are signed out by the subject teacher and uniforms, etc., are signed out by the coach.  Students are responsible for loss or damage.  Failure to return materials may result in not being issued school materials in the future.


Vacations ~ Teachers are not expected to provide work in advance for class time missed due to a family vacation.  Assessments or evaluations missed during that time may result in a mark of zero. It is the student’s responsibility to catch up on any missed work. Examinations will not be rescheduled for family vacations.


Valuables ~ Money or valuable personal items should not be left unattended in lockers or in the gym change rooms.  If, on occasion, it is necessary to bring such items to school, leave these items in the office for safekeeping.  Such items must be picked up at the end of the school day and must not be left overnight. The school will not be responsible for lost or stolen items.


Vandalism ~ Students must respect school property, including lockers, desks and textbooks.  Any student involved in acts of vandalism, including graffiti and tagging, will be subject to disciplinary action and will be required to make financial reparations and may be charged by the police.


Video Productions ~ Any videos, films, pictures, or any other material produced for the school will remain the property of Banting.  No student, staff member or member of the public may be recorded or photographed, prior to their consent and approval of the school administration for any use.  Students may not post images and/or comments about any student or staff on the internet. 


Visitors ~ Visitors and volunteers are to sign-in with the main office.


Weapons ~ Students will not be in possession of any weapon or weapon replica.  Students will not use any object to threaten or intimidate another person or cause him/her injury.

 Assessment and Evaluation

Students will:

  • be encouraged to discuss assignments with their teachers and parent(s)/guardian(s);
  • be responsible for providing evidence of their achievement of the overall expectations within the timeframe specified by the teacher, and in a form that has been approved by the teacher;
  • understand that there will be consequences for not completing assignments for evaluation and/or for submitting those assignments late;
  • use class time productively;
  • due to extenuating circumstances, request an extension from the teacher before the due date.
Academic Honesty and Plagiarism Policy

Cheating and Plagiarism

Cheating is defined as “any effort to defraud, deceive, or elude someone else”. Examples may include: taking a test or an examination in a dishonest way through improper access to answers or giving or obtaining assistance without acknowledgement (

Plagiarism is defined as “an act of theft known by many names: cheating, borrowing, stealing or copying. Plagiarism is intentionally or unintentionally using another person’s works or ideas and presenting these as [one’s] own. It is a serious offence that may result in serious academic consequences” (On Your Own 2014, p. 54).


Students will:

Teachers will:


  • Be aware of assignment and test expectations;
  • Organize time effectively;
  • Seek assistance when necessary;
  • Recognize the inappropriateness of academic dishonesty and accept the related consequences;
  • Review work before submission, to ensure that plagiarism has not occurred;
  • Provide proof, when requested, of his/her work and research (e.g., process work)
  • Review work before submission to the teacher to ensure that plagiarism has not occurred.





  • Clearly communicate expectations and consequences related to cheating and plagiarism to students and parents;
  • Communicate information to parent(s)/guardian(s) about the infraction and the consequences for all cases of plagiarism and cheating;
  • Ensure students understand the definition of plagiarism and cheating and the consequences to their learning;
  • Explicitly teach strategies for citing sources properly and for avoiding plagiarism in all courses as outlined in On Your Own 2014;
  • Design and structure assignments aligned with the curriculum expectations that guide students through the research and completion process;
  • Whenever possible, have students complete assignments for evaluation and tests/exams under the supervision of the teacher;
  • Provide meaningful class time for the completion of assignments;
  • Consider the use of anti-plagiarism software, if appropriate 
 Digital Citizenship

Respect Your Self/Respect Others
Digital Etiquette

Educate Your Self/Connect with Others
Digital Literacy

Protect Your Self/Protect Others
Digital Rights and Responsibility


For more information please visit



Contact Us

© 2023 , 125 Sherwood Forest Sq., LONDON . Tel. 519-452-2800, Fax 519-452-2819,, Principal: G. Howard, Superintendent: P. Skinner, Trustees: B. Mai, S. Moore