Concussion Information


Research demonstrates that brain injuries, such as concussions (see definition below), can have a significant impact on all aspects of student participation in school – cognitive, physical, emotional, and social. The implementation of a policy and supporting procedures on concussion in each school board advances the work of creating healthier schools in Ontario, as well as reinforces the knowledge, skills, and attitudes regarding injury prevention that are developed through the various subjects and disciplines in the Ontario curriculum (Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memorandum No. 158, Page 1).

A process has been put into place to provide support to any student who has been diagnosed with a concussion, whether on board or school site, or at home or in the community. (Please see complete policy.)


The parent/guardian has the primary responsibility to inform school authorities about their child’s medical/health conditions and to transmit relevant information. The school’s concussion management team will work collaboratively to provide a differentiated plan that is responsive to individual student needs. If your son or daughter has suffer a concussion please notify the school.

When a concussion is suspected at school, school personnel responsible for the student will contact the parents and provide the parents with Form C-2 (please see below).


Once a student is has been identified as having a suspected concussion,

  1. School staff will be informed.
  2. Student shall not participate in any learning or physical activities until the parent/guardian communicates the results of a medical examination (complete Form C-3)


  1. When a student is diagnosed as having a concussion, the school team will work to help the student to follow a medically supervised, individualized and gradual Return to Learn/Return to Physical Activity Plan.
  2. Form C-4 Documentation for a Diagnosed Concussion - Return to Learn/Return to Physical Activity Plan must be completed by a medical doctor or nurse practitioner.  This plan indicates the student is symptom free and able to return to full participation in physical activity. (Please see the complete policy.)


A concussion:

  • is a brain injury that causes changes in how the brain functions, leading to symptoms that can be physical (e.g., headache, dizziness), cognitive (e.g., difficulty concentrating or remembering), emotional/behavioural (e.g., depression, irritability) and/or related to sleep (e.g., drowsiness, difficulty falling asleep);
  • may be caused either by a direct blow to the head, face or neck, or a blow to the body that transmits a force to the head that causes the brain to move rapidly within the skull;
  • can occur even if there has been no loss of consciousness (in fact most concussions occur without a loss of consciousness); and,
  • cannot normally be seen on X-rays, standard CT scans or MRIs.


A concussion is a clinical diagnosis made by a medical doctor or nurse practitioner. It is critical that a student with a suspected concussion be examined by a medical doctor or nurse practitioner.



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